Fuel Your Respiratory Health with These 10 Superfoods | O+ - Oxygen Plus

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Fuel Your Respiratory Health with These 10 Superfoods

February 01, 2024 6 min read

    Fuel your respiratory health with these 10 superfoods

    Did you know that antioxidants in foods like apples and tomatoes can help ex-smokers repair lung damage? Your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy lungs and preventing breathing problems. In this article, we’ll explore how dietary choices can impact your respiratory system, after defining the respiratory system. Next, we’ll discuss ten (10) superfoods that can support optimal lung health. Lastly, we'll explore the ancient Ayurvedic perspective on how diet influences the doshas and offer insights into the best times to incorporate these superfoods into your meals for maximum benefit.

    What Is the Respiratory System

    The respiratory system is a complex biological system responsible for the exchange of gasses, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide, between an organism and its environment. In other words, it’s how our body takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. This breathing system involves different parts of the human body, our nose, mouth, throat and lungs. Specifically, these key components include:

    1. Nose and Mouth – Air enters the respiratory system through the nose and/or mouth.
    2. Pharynx (Throat) – A common pathway for both air and food.
    3. Larynx (Voice Box) – Plays a role in speech and helps prevent food from entering the trachea.
    4. Trachea (Windpipe)– A tube that carries air from the larynx to the bronchi. 
    5. Bronchi– The trachea branches into two bronchi, which further divide into smaller bronchioles that lead to the lungs.
    6. Lungs – The main organs for gas exchange. They contain tiny air sacs called alveoli, where oxygen is taken up by the blood and carbon dioxide is released.
    7. Diaphragm– A muscle beneath the lungs that contracts and relaxes to aid in breathing. When it contracts, the chest cavity expands, allowing air to be drawn into the lungs.

    The respiratory system – or breathing system – facilitates the crucial process of respiration, ensuring our body gets the oxygen it needs and gets rid of excess carbon dioxide, a waste product from our cells. Consider diaphragmatic breathing, as advocated by the Postural Restoration Institute®and Dr. Sarah Petrich—it involves a mindful approach to breath that goes beyond simple inhalation and exhalation. This technique emphasizes the role of the diaphragm, a key respiratory muscle, and its connection to overall postural alignment. By consciously engaging the diaphragm in a controlled manner, people can correct posture and enhance respiratory efficiency. With an expertise in biomechanics and movement, Dr. Sarah Petrich teaches diaphragmatic breathing to help foster optimal physiological function and postural balance. Watch Dr. Sarah Petrich’s educational video series, “BREATHE” on the Oxygen Plus YouTube channel.

    Understanding the Diet-Respiratory Health Connection

    Understanding the diet-respiratory health connection

    Your respiratory health is intrinsically linked to the food you consume. The old saying, "You are what you eat," holds true when it comes to the well-being of your lungs. Just as a car requires the right type of fuel to run efficiently, your body, including your respiratory system, relies on a balanced diet to function optimally.

    A key aspect of the diet-respiratory health connection lies in the nutrients your body receives from the foods you eat. Nutrients are the building blocks of life, and they play a vital role in maintaining the health and function of your lungs. Let's explore some essential aspects of this connection:

    1. Inflammation Management

    Chronic inflammation is a common underlying factor in various respiratory conditions, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce inflammation in the airways, making it easier to breathe by improving the healthy levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen that are carried to and from the lungs along the hemoglobin. Foods like turmeric, ginger, and leafy greens contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can support your respiratory system.

    2. Antioxidant Protection

    Your respiratory system is constantly exposed to environmental pollutants and irritants. Antioxidants, found in foods like berries and citrus fruits, play a crucial role in neutralizing harmful free radicals and protecting lung tissues from oxidative stress. By incorporating antioxidant-rich foods into your diet, you can fortify your lungs against damage.

    3. Immune Function

    A strong immune system is essential for preventing respiratory infections. Foods high in vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C from citrus fruits, help boost your immune response and ward off respiratory illnesses. A well-nourished body is better equipped to fight off viruses and bacteria that can lead to breathing problems.


    Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine originating from India. It offers a holistic perspective on the connection between diet and respiratory health. Central to Ayurveda is the concept of doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—which represent different energy types within the body. Imbalances in these doshas can manifest as various health issues, including respiratory problems. 

    In Ayurveda, the foods you consume are considered a vital tool for maintaining dosha equilibrium and supporting optimal lung function. Ayurveda recommends tailoring your diet to your unique constitution (Prakriti) and the prevailing seasons (Ritu) to maintain dosha balance. 

    During the cold season, warming foods like ginger and garlic are recommended to balance Vata dosha and promote lung health. Similarly, cooling foods like cucumber and mint can help pacify Pitta dosha, reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. By aligning your diet with your dosha constitution and the changing seasons, you can achieve a harmonious balance that contributes to overall respiratory well-being.

    Ayurveda's dosha-balancing approach provides valuable insights into how specific foods and dietary practices can support overall health while promoting holistic harmony within the body. Incorporating these principles into your diet can enhance your lung function and contribute to a more balanced and vibrant life. You can learn more about Ayurvedic diets here.

    10 Superfoods for Respiratory Health

    10 superfoods for respiratory health

    1. Turmeric

    Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. It can help reduce inflammation in the airways, making it easier to breathe. Add turmeric to your meals or beverages throughout the day. Consider turmeric tea in the morning for a refreshing start.

    2. Ginger

    Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can soothe respiratory irritation and improve circulation. Include ginger in your morning smoothie or sip on ginger tea during the day to promote lung health.

    3. Garlic

    Garlic contains allicin, a natural antibiotic. It can help combat respiratory infections and reduce inflammation. Enjoy garlic in your savory dishes during lunch or dinner. 

    4. Leafy Greens

    Leafy greens like spinach and kale are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that promote lung health and protect against respiratory diseases. Incorporate leafy greens into your lunch and dinner salads.

    5. Berries

    Berries like blueberries and strawberries are packed with antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress in the lungs. Snack on berries throughout the day or add them to your breakfast.

    6. Salmon

    Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and support lung function. Enjoy salmon as a part of your dinner.

    7. Nuts and Seeds

    Nuts and seeds, such as almonds and flaxseeds, provide healthy fats and antioxidants that benefit respiratory health. Snack on a handful of nuts or sprinkle seeds on your morning yogurt or cereal.

    8. Citrus Fruits

    Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are high in Vitamin C, which can boost your immune system and protect against respiratory infections. Start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice or enjoy citrus fruits as a mid-morning snack.

    9. Green Tea

    Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties beneficial for the respiratory system. Replace your afternoon coffee with a soothing cup of green tea.

    10. Recreational Oxygen

    In addition to incorporating these superfoods into your diet, you may also consider recreational oxygen, like Oxygen Plus, as a complementary way to support your respiratory health. Oxygen Plus offers portable, convenient, pure recreational oxygen canisters that can provide multiple uses of fresh oxygen when you want it most. Whether you're an athlete looking to optimize your performance or affected by traveling to higher altitudes, a canister of Oxygen Plus can help you breathe easier and feel refreshed.


    Your diet plays a significant role in maintaining healthy lungs and preventing respiratory problems. Incorporating superfoods like turmeric, ginger, garlic, leafy greens, can provide essential nutrients and antioxidants that support optimal respiratory health. Additionally, the Ayurvedic perspective emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining dosha equilibrium.

    To enhance your respiratory well-being, consider Oxygen Plus as a convenient partner, ensuring you always have access to a breath of pure oxygen. By making informed dietary choices and incorporating these superfoods into your daily meals, you’re taking proactive steps to fuel your respiratory health and enjoy life breathing effortlessly.


    Oxygen Plus (O+) products, which contain pure recreational oxygen, are intended for recreational, intermittent use only, not to be used as medical nor life-saving products. Prolonged use is defined as uninterrupted intake for more than 8 hours. Any person with any type of health or medical condition should consult their physician prior to the use of O+ products. Since O+ is not a medical product or intended for medical use, it is neither regulated nor approved by the FDA. 


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