Oxygen Bars vs. Portable Oxygen: A Comparison
Oxygen bars and portable oxygen are both great ways to give your body a quick pick-me-up via pure oxygen. They both work by introducing higher levels of oxygen to your system in order to combat fatigue, stress, consuming too much alcohol, mental fogginess, muscle aches, jet lag and symptoms related to high elevation. Take a look at the differences between oxygen bars and portable oxygen with this guide from Oxygen Plus (O+). Got oxygen?
Oxygen Bars
The primary downfall of oxygen bars is that they're stationary, meaning you have to go to a physical destination in order to breathe pure oxygen. That being said, oxygen bars do provide some benefits: they give recreational oxygen a social aspect and can be a great addition to a party. Oxygen bars also enhance a spa-like environment, where massage chairs and aromatherapy can help you relax. Oxygen bars also offer recycled air or filtered oxygen, a lower percentage of oxygen than most recreational oxygen products, as well as more portability than their on-the-go counterparts. Thus, oxygen bars can be thought of more as a place to partake in an activity rather than a convenient, on-demand everyday boost.
American-made oxygen bar equipment and concentrators (generators) are far different than those made in China. Some from China may cause concern of purity and the actual benefits received. With made-in-America concentrators, the high purity remains the entire time they are used. For instance, breathing from an oxygenbars.com oxygen concentrator gives you 92% to 95% pure oxygen, depending on the altitude. After 10 minutes of breathing, the benefit from this is apparent - heightened concentration and a relaxed feeling. The affects of the high concentration can last up to four hours until the body has had time to process this high concentration over that long period. High-quality oxygen bar equipment from the U.S. has valves and the nose hoses are disposable to prevent cross contamination.
Portable Recreational Oxygen
Compared with some oxygen bars, recreational oxygen canisters may have a higher concentration of pure oxygen. For example, an oxygen bar provides between 40 and 95 percent pure oxygen, depending on the equipment, while portable options like the O+ Skinni can boost the brain with up to 97% oxygen. The best part about portable oxygen is that it's just that - it's portable! - so you can breathe it at home, work and play while you travel and while you're out and about living your active life.