Well Oxygenators, I won't lie to you. It's been a tough week for this millennial in the great NYC. My company just took on an important new client that sells a range of products like light up shoes and Star Wars sheets. They've built a strong base with consumers under the age of 18, but they believe their products are perfect for nostalgic millennials. Here's the rub: How do we get millennials to think light up shoes are cool?
In search of mental clarity, I grab my O+ Mini can (I'm using it to phase out coffee from my morning routine) and head to Central Park. I'm hoping I can get a brain surge from the few oxygen producing plants in NYC. After losing a spectacular game of chess to an old vet in the park, I take a short walk to see if I can regain some focus.
While I'm passing by the ducks at The Pond, I take a few breaths from my O+ and wait for that familiar lift. In a few minutes, I feel more alert, but most importantly, it clears my head. Hoping to find a helpful trend, I check my personal social media accounts to see what my fellow millennials are making viral.
I start scrolling through memes and gifs, but it's the Vines that catch my eye. What if my company partners with these content creators? Millennials live for these 15-second videos and we generally don't like overt product placement. If my agency can naturally incorporate light up shoes and Star Wars sheets into this medium, we can successfully help our client rebrand.
I rush back to my office and after I explain Vine to my supervisor, she immediately agrees to the idea. This isn't the first time I've rushed back from Central Park with a great idea so she says, "Maybe we should move our desks into Central Park. There must be something in the air!"
I put my O+ on the table, "No, actually it's in this canister!"