Product Review, October 2020.
Oxygen Plus (O+) provides natural energy and recovery to active, health-conscious consumers. Each sleek and compact O+ canister contains pure, recreational oxygen that can be effortlessly inhaled through the nose or mouth, to restore depleted oxygen levels to optimal levels. Doing so offers a plethora of wellness benefits for both mind and body – including improved energy and performance, and decreased stress levels. Designed for daily use, users breathe O+ oxygen at work, at home and while on the go, in an effort to feel, think and perform at their best.
O+ Skinni recreational oxygen canisters from Oxygen Plus (Photo credit: Creations magazine)
Sub-optimal oxygen levels occur from many common situations, including extended travel at high altitude, poor indoor or outdoor air quality, alcohol consumption and vigorous exercise. Oxygen deficiency can decrease energy, stamina, alertness, cognitive performance and more, but studies show that supplementing with oxygen significantly improves these conditions in healthy adults.
Oxygen Plus has made a pure and all-natural resource more accessible to those who need it during everyday occurrences. Each Oxygen Plus canister provides pure recreational oxygen in a variety of offerings including the O+ Mini, which offers 24+ breaths of oxygen, the O+ Skinni, which offers more than 50 breaths of oxygen, the O+ Biggi containing 220 breaths, and the O+ Elevate Pack, which includes the reusable O-Stick shell and two starter refills – each offering more than 50 breaths of oxygen. All O+ products are available online and at select retailers.
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