I spent a week at the beach last February, and when I came back, promptly went on a tour where I was left huffing on the skintrack while my friends blazed away. I then understood the quick feelings of fatigue that can accompany a rapid change in altitude, even after being away a short time. I was a bit skeptical when these canisters of oxygen enriched air showed up, but figured I’d give it a try.
Starting early, I blazed on a hike this fall up 5000 vertical feet, pushing to my max the whole way. At the summit, my head swirled as I gasped, and my head developed that slight headache sensation.
I took a few hits off of the bottle: my headache disappeared, I could feel my heart rate drop, and I was able to relax. I don’t know if it was the product, but it sure felt like it gave me the added boost of breath I was looking for. It might be invaluable this winter when the inversion sets in. I’m going to keep a bottle on hand and give it a try. $35 for 3 8-12 use canisters. Oxygenplus.com