Study name: Exercise induced arterial hypoxemia in healthy human subject at sea level
Gender/sex and ability: Sixteen males, aged 20-45 years, participated and were endurance trained and most competed regularly in middle- and long-distance races, six at the international level.
Type of exercise used: Two types of treadmill running tests
Intensity of exercise: The treadmill grade was begun on the level and elevated 2% every 2 minutes until the subject could no longer complete 2 minutes (6%-12% grade). Second treadmill runs of 3 to 4 minute duration at constant grade and speed were completed in six subjects at a moderate work intensity.
Percent (%) of oxygen used: 17% / 18% Oxygen
Research/study findings: A significant level of arterial hypoxemia during heavy exercise at sea level in most of sixteen fit, endurance-trained athletes. Data implies that the large 'reserves' for gas exchange available to the healthy pulmonary system are insufficient to meet the extraordinary metabolic requirements achievable by many trained individuals.
Oxygen Plus application/implication: If trained endurance runners reveal lower than optimal blood-oxygen levels during short, moderate intensity running, other athletes undergoing similar or more intense athletic activity may have low oxygen levels (LBO), and thus, may benefit by maintaining optimal oxygen levels by using Oxygen Plus.
Publication/source/year: Dempsey, J. A., Hanson, P. G., & Henderson, K. S. (1984). Exercise‐induced arterial hypoxaemia in healthy human subjects at sea level. The Journal of Physiology, 355(1), 161-175.
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