Study name: Effects of commercial airline travel on oxygen saturation in athletes
Gender/sex and ability: 45 athletes and 18 other healthy participants
Type of exercise used: N/A
Intensity of exercise: Oxygen saturation levels declined significantly after 3 hours and 7 hours (3%–4%), compared with sea level values. There was an associated drop in cabin pressure and fraction of inspired oxygen, and an increase in cabin altitude.
Percent (%) of oxygen used: N/A
Research/study findings: Airplane cabins are not pressurized to sea level. Passengers on long-haul flights are therefore exposed to reduced oxygen pressure for periods of up to 18 hours at a time.
Oxygen Plus application/implication: Oxygen Plus can help athletes, and other healthy people traveling by air whose oxygen levels are depleted, restore depleted oxygen levels to optimal levels when they land – so they can train, think and/or perform at their best.
Publication/source/year: Geertsema, C, Williams, AB, Dzendrowskyj, P, Hanna, C. (2008). Effects of commercial airline travel on oxygen saturation in athletes, British Journal of Sports Medicine; 42:877-881.
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