Study name: Effect of FIO2 on oxidative stress during interval training at moderate altitude Gender/sex and ability: Nineteen trained male cyclists Type of exercise used: Cycling Intensity of exercise: Subjects performed three randomized, single-blind trials consisting of a standardized interval workout (6 x 100 kJ) Percent (%) of oxygen used: 21%, 26%, 60% Research/study findings: U.S. Olympic athletes are using supplemental oxygen in conjunction with high-altitude training to extend their workouts and improve performance. Oxygen Plus application/implication: Breathing Oxygen Plus can help athletes at sea level, as well as those who are adjusting to higher elevation, train longer and perform better. Publication/source/year: Wilbur RL, Holm PL, Morris, DM, Dallam GM, Subudhi AW, Murray DM, Callan SD, “Effect of FIO2 on oxidative stress during interval training at moderate altitude,” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2004 Nov;36(11):1888-94. Contact Oxygen Plus for more information on the study. © 2020 Oxygen Plus, Inc. All Rights Reserved.